Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Hat's World Cup Diary: Day 5

Current number of games seen: 6
Current number of teams less boring than England: at least 9
Number of goals scored: 31
Uber-cool footballing name of the day: Brazil's ninja in the midfield, Kaka. Did you know that caca is a colloquial term in Italy for poo? For so long as a kid, that's what I was taught to call it...
Latest games seen:


"Holy Hat stands, Batman!":
- Brazil are super slugish!
- Ronaldo IS a fatty fatty boom ba!
- Croatia have a shirt that reminds people of a picnic blanket!
- Togo have the coolest goal celebration dance this tournament!
- South Korea won in Europe for once!
- Switzerland played better than arrogant France!
- Australia now holds the record for second most number of goals by substitutes!

"I'll douse my Hat in sauce and eat it if...":
- The French fail to score a goal...surely it won't happen two World Cups running...
- Brazil keep telling Australia that they play like New Zealand
- Australia gets a national holiday after holding Brazil to a draw
- Togo's coach quits again before their next game, only to re-sign hours before kick off
- The American's stop crying
- I don't get to go to Fed Square and watch at least one game (join me Bjornar?!)

Posted by Dave The Hat :: 8:35 AM :: 0 Comments:

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