The Hat is a simple item of fashion, yet one that is able to be transformed with a single flash of creativity. Like The Towel from the HHGTTG, The Hat is a flexible item and one that comes in a variety of colours for a variety of uses. For example, one can pull their Hat over their eyes to hide from an unfortunate event.
About Me
Name::Dave The Hat From::Latrobe City, Victoria, Australia
It's an age old question, pondered by social commentators, philosophers and rugby fly-halfs alike. But they need not look further than here. Witty social commentary, that's apparently what Tyler Durden would supply to our world if his soap business went under. I have to say I giggled and gasped at this story about 50 Cent:
50 Cent is said to have earned 500,000 dollars for less than 30 minutes work at a Bat Mitzvah for the daughter of multi-millionaire David H. Brooks. Brooks, who ironically made his money in the body armor industry, paid a total of 10 million dollar for the days entertainment, who also included Nelly, Ciara, Tom Petty, Stevie Nicks, Joe Perry and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, Joe Walsh and Don Henley of The Eagles, Kenny G and DJ AM for the party held at the Rainbow Room in New York City.
Damn. Who would have thought that Fiddy and *G-G-G UNIT* would be so family, kiddie and religiously conscious. I take it back. Obviously his movie is going to reflect his inherent socially aware values, with panaoramic shots of Fiddy doing baloon animals, Fiddy helping older ladies across the street and Fiddy mowing lawns for his neighbours. Awwwww. He just makes you want to go and hug a puppy...
But poor girl. She's set up now, for a life of misery and failure. Every big occasion she has to celebrate will never be as special, never be as loud and shiny, never be as STREET as a Bat Mitzvah with Israel's favourite son, Fiddy.
So WHO is Tyler Durden I hear some of you uncultured swine ask? I refer thee to Fight Club which, conincidently, cracked the top 10 of Australia's most loved film last night, hosted by none other than the saucy mynx that is Margaret Pomeranz. Rrrrrrrrrr! Oh Margaret, if only you could see that you're spending too much time with the wrong David! It should be ME! Only ME! Come, babble incoherent movie speak to ME!
Posted by Dave The Hat ::
4:01 PM ::