Monday, August 07, 2006

Yasmin's NOT Getting Married...

Network Ten has left would-be bride Yasmin at the altar, canning its latest reality TV instalment, Yasmin's Getting Married, after just one week.

The show - playing cupid to find a young woman a husband - was dumped after a pitiful ratings debut.

Less than 800,000 viewers across five capital cities tuned in to watch the series premiere on Tuesday. Numbers dwindled to daytime levels by the end of the one-hour curtain-raiser.

But TV execs are not the heartless bunch we all expected them to be.
Yasmin will now have to resort to conventional match-making tactics to find a man. And when she does, Ten has agreed to foot the bill for her wedding.

BUT! That's not the best news. The show will be replaced by....FUTURAMA!

Life is so sweet right about now.

But, back to buisness. Can someone tell me the point of Daylight Saving? What does it actually achieve? We know we're getting extra daylight - don't you think we can tell that "oh, ok, last month it was dark at 7pm but its still light now at 8pm"?!

There was that funky little meeting between Australian premiers last week, where the Tassie leader - Lennon - said all the other states have got it wrong and it was about time we ALL started having daylight savings EARLIER. If we needed further proof our environment (or politics, pick one) is fucked up, here we are talking about more daylight in the middle (almost) of winter. Damn waking up at 6am and having it be light enough to do a jigsaw puzzle. I liked it better when it was dark as night - at least that confirmed it was a ridiculous time of the morning to get up.

Posted by Dave The Hat :: 10:40 AM :: 2 Comments:

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