Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Due Recognition for Pumpkins!

Day 1 after my job interview. Still got a bit of a buzz about. I am very happy with how the event panned out, but obviously I will have to wait a little and see what they actually think. There are, of course, things I could have done better, but I was still happy. I could know by Friday, but you never know with these things.

Exciting news! Today is a cause for celebration two times over. Maybe. One, its Halloween, and while we here in the Great Southern Land don't generally go for the whole trick or treat thing like our Yankee friends do, proper recognition of the humble pumpkin is something which is LOOONNNNGG overdue. That, and it's VANILLA ICE's BIRTHDAY!

Oh, and tomorrow (AUS time), the NBA season tips off, so if I start babbling about basketball at any length, you know why.

Apparently SBS is biased, and broadcasts smut and pornography. No...really? Dude...the only reason we WATCH SBS is because it is offensive, foreign and different. Don't shit on one of the only sources of quality tee vee we have, just because you can't be assed reading subtitles. Grrr hiss to you, buddy!

Posted by Dave The Hat :: 1:34 PM :: 1 Comments:

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